30 Easy Ways to Reduce Household Expenses and Save Hundreds

A laundry basket outside of a dryer with blue shirts hanging out.

If you’re trying to save money and live a frugal life, then you’ve probably already realized that the little things matter and can really add up quickly. Being frugal and saving the most money is all about changing habits.

Today I’ve put together a list of 30 Easy Ways to Reduce Household Expenses and Save Hundreds including saving money on things like groceries, heating/cooling costs, entertainment, health, clothing and much more.

Of course there are many other ways to reduce your expenses and save money, but I wanted to keep this list small and manageable so that no one gets overwhelmed.

If you’re just starting out with your frugal living journey, I’d advise you to go slow and change one or two things at a time until they are normal for you and then pick a couple of other habits to change.

It won’t happen overnight, but soon you will see how these little habits can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run. So enjoy the list and be sure to add your own way to reduce household expenses in the comment section.

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30 Easy Ways to Reduce Household Expenses and Save Hundreds

1. Cook from scratch – Anything that you can make from home instead of buying pre-made at the store will lower your household expenses. Check out my list of Homemade Pantry Basics for a ton of from scratch recipes or check out my post 40 Groceries You Should Make At Home to Save Hundreds of Dollars.

2. Buy secondhand (whenever possible!) – You can get almost anything secondhand these days for a fraction of what it would cost new, so why would you ever pay full price unless you had too?

3. Make your own cleaning products – You can make your own cleaning products using basic household ingredients such as vinegar, dish soap and baking soda.

4. Cancel subscriptions you aren’t using – Our modern world is full of subscription services, some of which we value and are useful to us, but sometimes we sign up for something and forget about it. Take the time to go over every subscription that you have and see if there are any that you could live without.

5. Hang clothes to dry instead of using your dryer – This one small action could save you hundreds over the course of a lifetime on your electric bill, not to mention it’s better for your clothing and the environment.

6. Lower thermostat temp in the winter and raise it in the summer – The warmer you can stand it in the house in the summer and the colder in the winter, the more you will save on your energy bill. Doing things like opening windows in the summer and wearing extra layers in the winter will save you money in the long run.

7. Unplug appliances not in use – Any appliance that is left plugged in, but not in use long term is sucking energy and causing your energy bill to be higher. Go around and evaluate which things need to be left plugged in at all times and unplug the rest.

8. Grow your own food – Any food that you can grow at home instead of buy will save you on your grocery bill. If you can learn to preserve it for the winter, you will save even more.

9. Make your own laundry detergent – Learning to make your own laundry detergent with simple ingredients will save you money and be better for you and your family.

10. Take your lunch to work – If you’re buying your lunch everyday, then you are spending a bundle that could be saved simply by packing your lunch from home. I like to make enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch the next day.

11. Make coffee at home – I know a lot of people have a thing for expensive, fancy coffees that cost $5-7 each, but if you can break that habit and make it at home, you will save a ton.

12. Learn to mend clothing – Knowing how to sew on a button, sew a seam or mend a tear is a great way to save money on your clothing bill.

13. Turn lights off when not in use – this one is obvious, but may not be practiced by everyone in the house. If no one is in the room, you don’t need the lights on.

14. Meal plan and shop sales – Meal planning can save you a ton if done properly. The trick is to plan as many meals around what you already have in the house first and then plan the rest around what is on sale at the store, this way you will be maximizing your savings.

15. Stay at home – Easy, but not commonly practiced. The more you stay at home (and away from online shopping) the more money you will save.

16. Eat simple meals – Learn to cook simple foods with tons of flavor and you won’t feel like you’re missing anything. Things like beans, eggs, oats and lentils are inexpensive, but can be made into many inexpensive and filling dishes.

17. Drink water instead of juice or soda – Anytime you drink something other than water, you’re spending money unnecessarily. Try choosing water for most of your meals and watch the savings add up.

18. Make your own chicken broth – Making your own chicken broth using bones and vegetable scraps is free, easy and yields a rich, golden brown, nutritious broth. It’s a win all the way around, so if you’re not making your own broth, you need to change that and give it a try. I have recipes for making bone broth in the slow cooker and the Instant Pot, but you can also just simmer it slowly in a large stockpot on the stove.

19. Utilize your local library – If you are an avid reader, then the library is a must for saving money, but even if you don’t read much, you can use the library for checking out movies, audiobooks, computers and more. They generally also have an extensive selection of free online resources that you can take advantage of such as craft or language classes.

20. Go to the park instead of the movies – Taking the whole family to the movie theater is really a drain on the wallet, so why not take them to the park, which is free, instead? This swap will not only save you money, but give your family free vitamin d, fresh air and exercise.

21. Stop eating out – This one is huge. Eating out has really become quite unaffordable in my opinion. If you’re craving a certain dish, then why not learn to make it for yourself at home instead?

22. Eat leftovers – Don’t let your leftovers go bad in the fridge, but eat them for lunches or turn them into a new meal the next night.

23. Put Green onion stems in water after use to regrow more onions – I use this trick all of the time and it’s a great way to get a second or even third harvest from your store-bought (or homegrown) green onions.

24. Make use of store savings programs – Almost every company has some sort of savings program that you can sign up for, so why not utilize them and start earning coupons, credits or free products?

25. Lower the temp on your hot water heater – Some people may not know that their hot water heater can be turned down a few degrees to save money on their gas or electric bill. Why not give it try and see if you notice a difference?

26. Cut up old t-Shirts for rags – Don’t throw away your old cotton clothing, but cut them into rags to use in the kitchen or shop.

27. Workout at home instead of at the gym – Once upon a time there was no such thing as a gym and yet people were still healthy. Take advantage of online workouts, gardening, housework, riding your bike, parking far away at the store or taking long walks in the evenings. It all adds up.

28. Consider having a no spend weekend – Mark one weekend per month as a no spend weekend and use it as an opportunity to cook what you already have, stay home, check out books from the library, head to the park, ride your bike, watch an old movie or attend a free community concert.

29. Buy in bulk – This tip will save your money, but only if you will use what you buy in bulk before it goes bad.

30. Cook dried beans in your slow cooker and freeze for later – If you find yourself buying a lot of canned beans, why not buy them dry in bulk and cook them for later use? You can either freeze or can them for later and will save money everytime you do this.


  If you can get to where you’re doing most things on this list then, I bet you will be surprised at how much you’ll be saving each month! What would you add to the list? I’d love to hear your tips in the comment section below!

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  1. One thing that really helps me is to have a running grocery list on the fridge. I add things to the list as we use them or as we open the last can/bottle/jar, etc. This way when I go to the store, I don't pick up extras of things I haven't actually run out of yet. I only shop twice a month so this helps me so much. No way am I gonna remember everything I need! Then, being the techno-geek I am, I type it into a spreadsheet that has categories in order that they appear in the store. I always walk the same route and this keeps me out of aisles where there is nothing I need, helping me not to impulse-spend. (Plus, I get in and out of the store quickly which also saves me time)
    1. Make your own salad dressing. I bought a caraffe from Publishers Clearing House that has the recipe for several dressings printed on it. It's great ! I'm sure it must be available other places.
    2. Good idea but I keep my list on my phone. I lose paper lists. I shop with my phone in my pocket whether it’s in person at the store or for pickup.
  2. Thank you for the great ideas for saving money. We ran into some unexpected expenses this month and ran out of money before the next pay day. So I used what we had in our freezer, fridge, and cupboards for our meals and was able to make it to pay day without having to go to the grocery store. It helped me use items that otherwise may not have been used and I didn't have to dip into savings. That's a win win!
    1. Terry, as a mother of 8 on a single income, running out of grocery money is nothing new to me. I found that the ingredient search on allrecipes.com really came in handy. Type in what you have on hand, and allrecipes will give you a selection of recipes that include those ingredients.
      1. Wow! A concept I had thought of before, but never really searched out. I’ll have to check out Allrecipes. Thanks for the tip.
  3. I used to approach the sink with something in my right hand then, because my left hand was free, I would turn on the hot water faucet just for a cup of water (or whatever). The water never got hot as it didn't run long enough. But, what did happen was that enough hot water was moved into the lines on the way tot he faucet, it triggered the hot water heater to come on. In my humble opinion, this is an unnecessary expense.
    1. I don’t understand what you mean. You were drawing extra water? Or you used the hot tap when you should have used the cold tap?
  4. I love reading all the different ways to save money I'm new to all this and trying to find simple effective ways to save money. One thing I have found is that using paper towels is way too expensive I do still have them in my house but I only use them for things like draining the grease off food or nasty messes I wouldn't want to use my towels for and this in itself extends the life of the roll of paper towels from one roll every other day to 3 rolls a month which makes a big difference especially since I like the good quality paper towels. I also stock up on meats when they're on a good sale and split them up and freeze for later that's a great way to make your grocery budget stretch one month if you happen to catch lots of good meat sales use the majority of your budget for that then the next month just buy sides it works well as long as you keep it balanced. I always prepare if we have a really great month hubby works some overtime and nothing unexpected comes up then I take some of that extra and go couponing with it to add to my stockpile. We never ever ever pay full price for shampoo, laundry detergents, diapers, etc I always buy a couple when they're on a good sale and typically there's always a good deal on at least one kind. I stay stocked on condiments when they're on a good sale also because my family practically drinks them lol so to avoid paying full price for them I buy one or two when they're on sale. Another way to save money is to turn the ac/heat off during the fall and early winter, wear layers around the house if you have to but I hate having to turn my heat on if I didn't have a young child I wouldn't turn it on unless it was in the 30s or below and even then I turn it on 62.
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  10. All good tips except the work out at home for me. I recently joined a gym and have noticed my electric bill has dropped circa $40 and water bill $10 a month. I love scorching-hot baths and used to take them at least 3 times a week. So I have sacrificed my love of hot bathing to get healthy but the bonus is that every day at the gym I use their hot tub, sauna, and I take a shower there every day, yes I do go every day; so the results are significant. So that is my tip to all other moms out there like me!
  11. I've been looking for a solution to the vinegar scent. My husband doesn't like it either, but I think vinegar cleans amazingly. Thanks for sharing your citrus scented vinegar cleaner recipe mix Helen from budgetingisachallenge.com
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  13. There are some very helpful tips in your list! I also just published a list of 50 tips to save money, if you‘re interested in more ??
  14. Eating at Whole Foods is my big problem, it has to stop. Too damn expensive! Thanx for the tips I will definitely be using them...
  15. You should never, ever lower the temperature on your hot water heater. Even at the 120°, all kinds of bacteria and pathogens can grow. Lowering it even more significantly increases your chances of illness, specifically legionnaires disease and pneumonia. My father has worked on water heaters for decades and I can tell you firsthand that the inside of a water heater set at a lower temp is not pretty. The sludge is horrific. Think, inside of a dark, damp cave. You can check out videos of them being cut open on YouTube to see it for yourself and honestly, the ones I've seen on YouTube are clean compared to some I've seen in real life. Obviously you should never drink hot water from the tap as it is, but just showering in it is hazardous and is typically what causes legionnaires. This is a serious health hazard and NOT something you should be recommending people do. People can, and do, die from doing this. My grandfather ended up in the hospital for weeks after coming down with legionnaires that turned into pneumonia because his water heater was not reaching the proper temp. It's best to have it set to 140° to prevent illness, but be aware there is potential risk of scalding. I'm all for saving money, but that tip is just dangerous.
    1. We live out in the country and can't get cable. We went to Walmart bought cheap ruko box under 40.00. Which was a one time thing. We got Netflix which is under 20.00 and that what we watch for TV. Cable is way to much money.
  16. LOVE the list!!! One thing we do, in regards to buying bulk, is utilize the shops that allow it, for one, and not the ones that charge a yearly fee. ex: sugar/flour/rice/oatsetc bought in 25 - 50 lb bags. We utilize the curbside pickup (even before this virus), shop online at local stores, arrange curbside, pick up all one day, and I arrange it for just after my shift ends, so no excess gas used. We also very much utilize the points cards. Buying on the deals only for the extra points (optimum is used for free products, which we redeem on more expensive items), and utilize the extra buy/extra points ex every milk purchase you get 1000 extra points. we stock up, freeze it, get tons of bonus points. Just a few ideas we use... Love your site, and your ideas... *I am in Canada, coupons and points cards work diferently here :)
  17. I have been doing most of these tips. I would suggest another, go to food banks. Google forgotten harvest, gleaners, churches, and talk to friends. I go to forgotten harvest at a local church. You will get plenty of food, enough to share with friends and family. I also go to a local schoold, my church, city hall, and masonic temple. Someone needs to go during the day as these are open during business hours. Most have hours in the morning.
  18. I love eating cabbage mixed with onion and carrot boiled with bone broth and soy sauce.Yep,also laundry with simple brush with tub of water is not difficult for it can save electricity from using washing machine.Also,dishwashing by hand with some mild detergent can help saving bill instead of using dishwasher.
  19. I cut up old worn bath towels to use for rags inplace of paper towels. Launder and reuse many, many times. If you have a sewing machine you can hem them or let them be. They work good either way!

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