Homemade Laundry Soap
I’ve been wanting to make my own laundry soap for almost a year now, but I had quite a few store-bought detergents to use up first. Well I finally ran out and got to make some today! This should last me a long time and it’s way cheaper than store-bought. Here’s the recipe that I used:
Homemade Laundry Soap
2 parts grated soap (Fels-Naptha, Zote, or Ivory)
1 part baking soda or washing soda
1 part borax
Mix and store in air tight container.
Use 1-2 tbsp per load.
It was kinda messy and a lot of work to grate the soap. I might try to find soap flakes next time. I’ve finished one load of sheets and they turned out fine. The true test will be Mike’s work clothes. 🙂 Do you make your own detergent? Whats your experience been with it?
*Update: I used this recipe for 2+ years and it always seemed to work great! I’m using store-bought detergent now because I was getting random spots on my son’s clothes all of a sudden, but I don’t think it was from my homemade detergent because it continued after I switched to store-bought.