8 Ways to Be a Frugal Camper @ SarahTitus.com

Camping season is in full swing and is an awesome family-friendly activity. Check out my top tips for being a frugal camper and making the most of your family getaway at SarahTitus.com. Here’s an excerpt:
Camping is a family-friendly low-cost option compared to renting a hotel or condo, but if you’re not careful, it can become expensive. My family goes camping frequently and we even have our own RV, so today I’m happy to share some things that I’ve learned along to way about how to go camping without busting your budget.
Keep Food Simple
Taking the time to choose frugal options when menu planning will save you money on the campsite. Some frugal ideas for breakfast include eggs, toast, homemade muffins, fruit, oatmeal, sausage links, and fried potatoes. Sandwiches are easy for lunch and hotdogs are a great option for dinner.