Teaching My Toddler About Jesus

I’ve learned in my (short one year) experience as a mother, that I have to be intentional in training, teaching and disciplining Walker. None of these things happen naturally and it takes extra thought and effort on my part to incorporate them into our days.
Just like I have to be intentional about my relationship with Jesus, I also have to be intentional about teaching Walker about Jesus and I don’t think it’s ever too early too start! My biggest task as a parent is to disciple Walker as a follower of Christ and I thought I would share with you all the simple little things I do to help Walker in his walk with the Lord.
1. Pray before meals & bedtime – This might seem trivial, but it’s a great (& easy) way to show Walker how to talk to God and give thanks.
2. Play Christian Music – I play instrumental hymns and praise music throughout the week. It relaxes us both. My favorite stations on Pandora are Amazing Grace (Instrumental Hymns),Watermark and The Praise Baby Collection. I’ve also heard great things about Seeds Family Worship which is a company that puts scripture to music in a kid friendly way.
3. Read Christian Based Board Books – We bought Walker a board book bible for Easter and try to read a story from it each night before bed. He has a short attention span though so sometimes we just get one page read and that’s okay. I also try to show him the cover everyday and tell him “Look, that’s Jesus!”
We also have a prayer board book and try to read a prayer from it each night.
4. Sing Hymns and Children’s Songs – I normally find myself singing praise songs as I’m doing my morning chores and Walker loves to hear anyone sing! What toddler doesn’t shake their little booty when they hear music? We also try to sing “Jesus Loves Me” before bed, but we have gotten away from that lately.
5. Read Scripture Aloud as a Family – Okay I admit, we don’t do this very often, but it would be a great thing to build into our days!
6. Watch Christian Based DVDS – I know this is a controversial topic, but I do allow Walker to watch some TV each week and I love the Praise Baby DVDs! They are mostly slow and calming which I love and I often find myself singing along. I plan on purchasing more soon. Veggie tales is also a great option for teaching bible stories and character qualities.
I don’t do all of these perfectly each day, but I do try to at least do some of them consistently. It is so important to guide our little babies hearts towards the Lord and I pray that I am doing that well at this stage in our lives.
What do you do to teach your young children about Jesus?
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One other thing that I like to do is play Hillsong Worship, and dance with my daughter while singing to the words. She really likes these special moments and will often clap, lift her hands up in the air, or just lay her head on my shoulder. Best time of the day!
Standing on His Promises~Jessica