10 Tips For

Completing A No Spend Challenge

If you’ve never participated in a no spend challenge, then you might be wondering what it is and how to do one. The beauty of it is, you get to set the rules and decide how it will work.

Why do a No Spend Challenge?

Know your "why" for a no-spend challenge — whether it's to save money or reduce clutter, staying focused will help you succeed!

Set Parameters

You need to think through your goals for the challenge and plan out your rules, like how long will it last and what you are allowed to spend money on.

Create a Meal Plan

You may want to do a grocery trip before the challenge starts and stock up on a few things you know you will need, but try not to panic buy.

Find Local Free Activities

If you do get the itch to go out, check Facebook for local free events. Your library is also a great resource where you have access to books, movies and more.

Track Your Success

Find a free printable no spend tracker and print it to put up on your fridge. If you make a mistake, don’t let it ruin the whole challenge,  get back up the next day and try again.

Click through for my full tips list to help you complete a successful no spend challenge.


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