No Soda for One Year COMPLETE!!


In case you didn’t know, my husband and I gave up soda and sweet tea for one year staring January 1st, 2013. You can find my other updates below.
No Soda for One Year – The First Month
I’ve been pretty quiet about this over the past eight months because it’s basically become such a non issue in my life. I can’t believe that I haven’t had a Dr. Pepper since last December and I also can’t believe how easy it’s been to go without! We have actually extended the challenge until the baby is born in March and then we are going to re-evaluate.

It’s been so freeing not having soda over the past year because I feel like it had such a hold on me before I started this challenge. You can read more about my journey here

Some of the benefits we’ve seen from giving up soda have been:

Saving Money 
We only drink water, milk and unsweet tea, but mostly just water which is cheap!
Becoming Healthier 
I dropped 10 lbs in the first couple months of the challenge. Plus, my energy is up and I’m so glad to be rid of the extra sugar in all that soda I was drinking!
Setting a good example for our kids
This was a big reason we gave up soda and I’m so happy that we’ve stuck to it! I don’t want our kids growing up with soda in the house and seeing their parents “needing” it all the time. 
One healthy step leads to another
I was skeptical when I started this challenge that I’d actually follow through, but now that I’m on the other side I feel like I can do anything! We are currently reducing fast food consumption and working on many other healthy habits for the future!

So that’s it. We completed the challenge! 

Do you have any goals/resolutions for the new year?
 I’d love to hear about them! 

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  1. I have never had a soft drink problem since I don't like it, but I need to do something with sugar. My mom and some of my siblings have trying giving up sweets for a month at a time. They wanted to do every other month, but that didn't last last year.
  2. Can't wait to read through this - this is my goal for the coming year at least with the sodas (though we had soda's on the 1st. Already failing! haha). I don't know if I could do the sweet tea, though. Pretty sure that's an abomination to my Southern roots!
    Congrats, though. This is a great accomplishment.

    PS: Found you Thrifty Thursday. :)
    Mary Renee @
  3. Like Livia, I need to do something about my addiction to sugar. But my goals for this year: 1.) One Year Bible, 2.) Lose 40 lbs 3.) Pay off the rest of our mortgage.
  4. Congratulations! I have never been a soda or pop (or even tea) drinker. Now they are telling us tea is good for us but I have a hard time with the taste. I do understand how difficult it is to give up anything we take for granted. For me it is sugar and dairy.
    You are an inspiration to others, and I bet healthier too.

    Come visit if you'd like, and join the grow your social network link up at The Thrifty Groove!
  5. I gave up soda in my late teens after reading a book on nutrition. I've never looked back. Even the thought of drinking it is so unappealing that there's zero temptation.

    Looking around at all the fat folks keeps me lean. I don't want to look like that. Not to mention meeting so many folks with diabetes, heart disease and other issues.

    Just giving up something as obviously poisonous as soda is huge for most folks... yet you did it. Good for you for posting on it.

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